John Paul II Foundation owes its establishment to many people, at the head of which stands the Holy Father. It is impossible, however, ignore the person of Władysław Zachariasiewicz, who from the beginning was involved in fundraising for purchase of the Polish House in Rome, and then for many years played a key role in the activities of the John Paul II Foundation, founded in 1981.
The news of the death in Washington, DC, (on 21 September) of the senior of the Polish Diaspora in the United States, filled with sorrow and grief many Poles living in the world and in the fatherland. However, we all share a sense of gratitude to God for the long life of Mr. Zachariasiewicz (1911-2016), for his example and dedication to Polish affairs, to the Catholic Church and to St. Pope John Paul II. It is worth briefly recalling his contribution to the creation and development of the John Paul II Foundation.
One should start from the fact that Władysław Zachariasiewicz was a providential person for the creation in the USA the Fundraising Committee for the purchase of the Polish House in Rome. For this purpose, he won many celebrities of the Polish Diaspora in the USA, with Congressman Clement Zablocki – as a chairman – and with leaders of the Polish Diaspora organizations. Following the creation of the committee in the USA, similar organizations in other countries were established, also thanks to Mr. Zachariasiewicz. In a relatively short period of time the needed funds were collected (85% came from the Polish community in the USA, 15% from other countries). Władysław Zachariasiewicz was a coordinator of fundraising among the Polish Diaspora. “All were enlivened by only one ambition – to reach the finish line quickly and give the gift, serving Polish pilgrims and being an expression of our faithfulness and love for him, to the Holy Father”. It was also about helping as soon as possible Polish pilgrims, who flocked in large numbers to meet with the Pope.
It should be added that Mr. Zachariasiewicz was an enthusiast of the works of the John Paul II Foundation. In his articles written in “Rome Chronicle” he often referred to the ideas contained in the Foundation’s statutes and in program speeches given by the Holy Father during the handover ceremony of the Polish House and its consecration in November 1981. He saw the need to support the Foundation, as well as create around it the environment of people who take action in the spirit of the pontificate, promoting Christian and national values. At one of the first meetings of the Administrative Council he put forward the idea of creating Circles of Friends of the Foundation and later undertook this project. To create these Circles, he benefited from a help of people who proved themselves during the fundraising action. Thereupon he took many trips all over the United States and devoted many hours to writing letters, in which he explained ideological objectives and legal basis of the Foundation’s works. He believed that the Circles of Friends, in addition to institutions in Rome, were as if the second wing of the Foundation. They were and are used primarily to pursue, in its own way, ideological goals of the Foundation, as well as to materially support, as much as possible, its activities.
The upcoming celebration of the tenth anniversary of the pontificate of John Paul II in 1988 provided an opportunity to give a gift to the Holy Father in the form of “a perpetual fund”, securing the long-term functioning of the Foundation. Władysław Zachariasiewicz promoted the idea among the Polish Diaspora in America. He did this also in “Rome Chronicle”, encouraging generosity, e.g. by last will and testament bequests. He appealed to allocate, “at least part of life’s work”, to the purpose consistent with one’s beliefs and conscience. The John Paul II Foundation – he explained – would not have to worry about its future”. It should be emphasized that his activities were both of ideological and practical kind. He wrote in one of his articles that Christian generosity should be “deeply motivated in accordance with the historical moment”, which was the pontificate of the Polish Pope. It should also be mentioned that the generosity of the Polish Diaspora – which Władysław Zachariasiewicz repeatedly stressed – was an expression of gratitude to John Paul II for his Peter’s ministry, for the testimony of his patriotism and his love for people. “Our concern for the future of the Foundation, for the ensuring it solid basis, will be the best expression of our infinite gratitude to the Holy Father for the fact that thanks to him the name of Poland has gained respect around the world, that he has raised the importance of each of us who carry this name”.
It is worth quoting a passage on the Foundation from a book by Zachariasiewicz, “The Independence Ethos of the Polish Diaspora in the United States”. His reflections ended thus: “I am aware that I spent a lot of space the John Paul II Foundation, but I did it, not only because I was, “pro bono” connected to it, both emotionally and organizationally by one of the most interesting periods of my life, but above all because the work of the Foundation in Rome is undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of our exile generation. This living monument, serving pilgrimages of the Polish Diaspora and compatriots from the country, will simultaneously recall in the capital of Christianity, for many subsequent generations, the historic pontificate of our Great Pope”. These words speak for themselves, pointing to the faith and patriotism that guided the life of Władysław Zachariasiewicz.
Reading the articles of Mr. Zachariasiewicz on the Foundation, one can get the impression that he understood perfectly the founding idea of this work, its historical significance and the role it can play in the future, especially among the Polish Diaspora in the world. Without a doubt, in this thinking he was very close to the mind and heart of John Paul II. He did not spare time and strength to give the ideas shape, converting them in concrete work. In 1991, Władysław Zachariasiewicz was awarded by Pope John Paul II the Commander’s Cross of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, the highest honor for laity in the Catholic Church.
On one occasion, speaking in the Polish House, Władysław Zachariasiewicz recalled the beginnings of the Foundation. He said then that “always at the beginning of every great work people who have vision and determination of its realization are indispensable. Someone needs to throw the first spark, which then will set a fire and rekindle others”. He mentioned a few names, but did not mention about yourself… Today it should be added that Mr. Zachariasiewicz was just the kind of person who had vision and determination and enthusiasm to encourage others to join in the work of the Foundation. So it was at the beginning of its existence and for the years of its activity. Therefore Władysław Zachariasiewicz can be considered one of the key persons in the hitherto history of the Foundation. He deserves to be called “Father of the Foundation”. He wrote a beautiful page in its history and will remain forever in the memory of the current and next generations of people forming the John Paul II Foundation.
Fr. Andrzej Dobrzyński