Advent is a time of preparation, a time when we prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord of lords and King of kings into our midst. Christ has already come once in lowliness and humility. We now await his second coming in glory and dreadful majesty.
The readings from the Second Sunday in Advent serve as a kind litmus test, which can inform us of how ready we are to welcome Christ again. In the Gospel we hear the startling words of John the Baptist: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand” (Mt 3:2). He then goes on to inform the people gathered around him that when the Christ comes, he will baptize with the Holy Spirit. (cf. Mt 3:11). Here I would like to make the connection with the first reading from the Prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah foretells the coming Messiah, upon whom “the Spirit of the Lord rests.” (Is 11:2). It is the Spirit of the Lord who bestows the Seven Gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. When the Messiah comes, who bears these gifts of the Spirit, he will also baptize with the same Spirit and impart these gifts on those who follow him.
The gifts of the Spirit are directed towards righteousness, which Isaiah says will be the sign of the Messiah (Is 11:4). Some translations render righteousness as integrity, which is a more familiar concept in our times.
In our times it can be very difficult to act with integrity, to keep your word, to speak the truth, to turn away from evil, to live with virtue. The spirit of the world is constantly at work to try to lead us away from the path of integrity and truth. Moreover, we would be foolish to think that we can live with true integrity on our own merit. We need the grace of God – the gifts of the Holy Spirit – to help us on our journey.
In this time of Advent, the Church’s liturgies invite us to pause and assess our current state. Am I prepared to meet Christ when he comes again? Am I prepared to meet my Maker should I be called to judgment before he returns? Being prepared requires constant conversion – constant “turning toward” the Lord, who alone gifts us the divine assistance we need to be ready for his coming. In this time before the joyous feast of Christmas, let us heed the imperative of John the Baptist: Repent! Prepare a way for the Lord. Turn to him with all your strength and strive to live a life of integrity and righteousness, giving thanks for the great gifts he has given to us through his Spirit.
Kevin Ponte – St. Joseph Seminary, Edmonton, Alberta