In preparation for the Year of Faith, the John Paul II Pontificate’s Center for Documentation and Research and the Pastoral Staff from the St. Stanislaw’s Church in Rome organized a cycle of six conferences titled “The Strength and the Beauty of Faith”. The meetings were held once a month from January to June 2012 in the John Paul II Hall on via Botteghe Oscure 15, in Rome.
The conferences were devoted to the teaching of John Paul II on the subject of Creed. A special attention was given to his teaching presented during Wednesday’s audiences. The particular purpose of the conferences was to bring to the listeners the truth of faith, also to acquaint them with the teachings of John Paul II. Among the invited lecturers, there were well-known professors from Poland and Italy.
Here is a brief report from some of the meetings:
Fr. Andrzej Dobrzynski (John Paul II Pontificate’s Center, Rome): “Put Out Into the Deep. John Paul II’s theology of faith”.
Fr. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk SJ (Gregorian University, Rome): “Our God, Creator and Merciful Father”.
Fr. Prof. Zdzislaw Kijas OFMConv (Congregation for Causes of Saints, Vatican City): “The Spirit Who Sanctifies Us. Teachings on the Holy Spirit”.
Fr. Prof. Lukasz Kamykowski (Pontifical University of the John Paul II in Cracow): “God’s Church in the teaching of John Paul II”.
Fr. Prof. Salvatore Perrella (Pontifical Theological Faculty «Marianum), “Mother of the Redeemer: Mary in the teaching of John Paul II”.
Mrs. Marzia Del Bianco (John Paul II Pontifical Institute for the Study of Marriage and Family, Rome): “Marriage and Family in the teaching of John Paul II”.
Thanks to the effort of the John Paul II Pontificate’s Center for Documentation and Research, a collection of lectures, presented on the conferences, was published under the title “The Strength and the Beauty of Faith. The Creed in the teaching of John Paul II”.